Tuesday, December 20, 2005

install the Flock 0.4.10 social web browser


This is a simple guide to installing the Firefox-based browser Flock v.0.4.10

Installing Flock 0.4.10 on Ubuntu

Flock is a Mozilla Firefox-based web browser that isn’t officially out, but is available as a developer’s preview. This guide will help those of you running Ubuntu, or even some other versions of Linux, to install Flock and start bug hunting or hacking or whatever you would like.

First, run over to http://www.flock.com/developer/ and grab the latest version of Flock. For ease, download it into your ‘home’ folder.
In this installation we’re going to be using Flock 0.4.10.
Open up your terminal and use the following string of commands:

cd /opt
sudo tar -xzvf /home/yourname/flock-0.4.10.en-US.linux-i686.tar.gz
sudo ln -s /opt/flock/flock /usr/bin/flock

Now you’ve sucessfully installed Flock, but you want to add it to your Ubuntu Applications menu, right?

sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/flock.desktop

Now, add the following to the new file:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Flock Browser
Comment=Flock Browser
Exec=/opt/flock/flock %u
MimeType=text/html; text/xml; application/xhtml+xml;application/xml;application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml;
application/rss+xml; application/rdf+xml;x-directory/webdav;x-directory/webdav-prefer-directory;
image/gif; image/jpeg; image/png

After that, You should see Flock in your applications menu under ‘Internet’ (if you’re using Ubuntu).

Installing Flock 0.4.10 on Ubuntu - Neowin.net

When I did this, I got an error message "cannot open libstdc++.so.5"

I used synaptic to install libstdc++5 and then flock works.

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