Monday, July 13, 2009

Caritas in Veritate

I'm working my way through Pope Benedict's just released encyclical letter Caritas in Veritate, but there are a couple of useful comments on it in

the NY Times and MercatorNet .

The first thing that strikes me is the practical nature of the issues that Pope Benedict is talking about. He risks criticism from all directions by bringing up real, day to day issues, but he wants to give real guidance.

Perhaps related to this encyclical, I heard one talk in the BBC Reith Lectures on Genetics and Morality. These are scary issues, like gender selection, designing successful sports champions and deaf parents wanting to have a deaf child. The really frightening part of the programme was the discussion at the end when some people enthusiastically looked forward to our "designer" future. Is there any doubt we need some guidance from the Magisterium?

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