Sunday, January 25, 2009

Flash 10 reader on ASUS EEE PC 701


Some flash videos on the internet could not be read by my EEE PC 701 because they require a Flash 10 reader, and Flash 9 is installed on the PC by the manufacturer.

There is a problem, described in this forum post. The problem is that Flash 10 requires a newer version of the glibc library than the one included in the Xandros operating system on the EEE PC. However, according to the post above, there is a beta version of Flash 10 that uses the old version of glibc and will work, namely

flashplayer10_install_linux_081108.tar.gz from

The installation procedure is described here.

tar -xvzf flashplayer10_install_linux_081108.tar.gz

Type sudo bash (still in terminal) and the prompt will change so you know you are now a super user
then type
cd install_flash_player_10_linux
Lastly type
cp /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins
Close the terminal, start FF and type about:plugins in the address bar and you should now see Flash 10

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