Saturday, March 27, 2010

Rage against God

An interesting interview with Peter Hitchens about his new book.

Press Diversity and Pope Benedict

regarding all the recent stories about Pope Benedict, I read two articles about this by two English journalists, and its hard to believe they are talking about the same thing:

firstly, Damian Thompson in the London Telegraph

Then Peter Popham in The Independent (cut and past'ed in todays Herald)

Its interesting to see how "commentary" can be very different, depending on who writes it.

I also read a couple of other articles (by priests) which I think give a reasonable background and description of the real facts of this case, by

Fr John Allen SJ


Archbishop Vincent Nicholls

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

who needs paper, bookshelves and dust?

Something to think about.

28,000 app developers out there, and 280 million apps downloaded last December. Any publisher who doesn't publish everything first on ebook is cutting their own throats.

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Brothers Hitchens

A fascinating and moving article by Peter Hitchens about the parallel lives of him and his brother, Christopher.